
Escoburg's Chiara

CH. Escoburg’s Chiara, she is a kitten of Anórien's Alviarin (Lisa) en Moirai Sensation 2005.
Our first meeting with Chiara was on 25 June 2006. When we saw her we were totally in love, a splendid silver chocolate girl with little tufts on her ears, very particular. The litter existed of three tomcats and two girls. Chiara completed our breeding programme.l We had a hard time waiting until we could take her home. on 28 July we could pick her up. She is a little naughty girl but she is also very sweet.

Her first litter was born on 26-9-2007, she is a very caring mum!!
The kittens are so beautiful we kept Denzel, GiGi and also Milla Moirai as breeding cats. Some of her children are moved to Holland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switserland and Australia for the breedingprogramme of international breeders.

Here you can admire photos and videos of her kittens Ocikittens

photos of Chiara video 26-12-2010

Ocicat Chiara meets Martin Gaus in the popular tv-programme 'The world of K3' video!!!!!
HCM echocardiographic examination (normal) 29-12-2008
PKD ultrasound examination (normal) 29-12-2008
PRA DNA test (normal) 20-01-2009